Blog #10
I created three different versions of my orignal picture using collor palletes from adobe colorwheel as well as photoshop. To start the process, I took my original image and converted it to a black and white image. I then went to adobe color wheel and started with a base color. After choosing my base color, I selected different combinations such as Triad, Split Complementary, and Double Split Complementary. For each image I colored the dress, corsage, and flowers. For two of the images I colored the hair but for the third I decided to leave out this detail and instead colored the grass two different version of one color. Althought not realistic colors, I tried to strategically pick which colors would go where so the iamge had some grasp to it. I enjoyed the process and after doing it three times have learned how to create a layer with a mask and what the purpose it. It became very helpful to fix the imperfections I made while selecting each shape and I also en...